
Capitol, more LGUs suspend work, classes, air, sea travel cancelled

The Negros Occidental provincial government and more local government units suspended work Thursday as Super Typhoon “Odette” approached.

Classes were also suspended.

Mass vaccination in some areas were also halted, Provincial Administrator Rayfrando Diaz said.

Sea and air travel were also cancelled.

Philippine Airlines announced that its 8 a.m. Manila-Bacolod flight and 10:05 a.m. Bacolod-Manila flight Friday were cancelled because of the proximity of “Odette”.

Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson in a memorandum said work in all provincial government offices from 2 p.m. Thursday onwards were suspended.

Provincial government hospitals and offices directly involved in disaster risk reduction management will maintain operations to ensure the continuity of the delivery of services to the public, he said.*

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