
Victorias holding Kadalag-an at new gov’t site, Javi says

Serafin Plotria (left) of the Asenso Sidlak Foundation and Victorias Mayor Javier Miguel Benitez at a press conference on the Kadalag-an Festival on Monday, January 29.*

The Victorias City government will hold its 26th Kadalag-an Festival for the first time at its new government center site from March 14 to 24, Mayor Javier Miguel “Javi” Benitez said on Monday, January 29.

They are holding this year’s festival at the new government site called the Sidlak Victorias Global City because they want to introduce Victoriahanons and tourists to the place, he said.

It will also prevent traffic at the city center, he added.

Site development and preparations for the staging are underway, he said, adding that there will also be kiosks and a carnival in the festival area.

Benitez said there will be pre Kadalag-an sports activities from March 14 to 17, the Victorias City Charter Day on March 21, and the Kadalag-an Festival Weekend Market from March 21 to 24.

Kadalag-an Festival activities will also be held from March 23 to 24.

Celebrities, artists and bands will be invited and a music festival

will be held during the Kadalag-an, Benitez said.

Meanwhile, Benitez said he had a final meeting with Aboitiz Data Innovation for the Victorias smart city plan.

“We’re very excited…it will really push governance to a different level,” Benitez said.

Asked if he will seek reelection in 2025, Benitez said “it’s too early to talk about elections, in fact we’re focused on governance”.

A three-year term is too short to bring about positive change, he said.

However, he said the people should decide on Charter change.

“We should have debates on Charter change now,” Benitez said.

Benitez said Charter change should be given a chance.*

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