
Panaad festival set April 15 to 21 – guv

Provincial Tourism Officer Cheryl Decena will head the Panaad Executive Committee.*Ronnie Baldonado photo

The Panaad sa Negros Festival will be held April 15 to 21 this year, Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson said Wednesday, January 31.

Provincial Tourism Officer Cheryl Decena will again head the Panaad Executive Committee, he said.

“I am already asking them to start meeting and planning. Maybe by next week we’ll have an idea already what the budget is,” Lacson said.

Local government units joining the festival will be given the same amount of subsidy granted last year, he said.

“We have to make sure that we manage to entertain the Negrenses and make their time in Panaad worthwhile,” he said.

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