
Negros SP approves state of calamity, 93,756 houses damaged, destroyed

The Negros Occidental Sangguniang Panlalawigan approved on Tuesday, December 21, Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson’s declaration of a state of calamity in Negros Occidental due to Typhoon “Odette,” Vice Governor Jeffrey Ferrer said.

The resolution noted that 181,110 Negrenses have been affected by the typhoon that has caused P6.2 billion in destruction.

The typhoon damaged 60,799 houses and destroyed 32,957 in Negros Occidental for a total of 93,756, the Office of Civil Defense reported Tuesday.

The SP in adopting the governor’s declaration of a state of calamity approved the allocation of a portion of the calamity fund to extend immediate assistance to those affected by Typhoon “Odette”.

It also approved a price freeze on basic necessities and prime commodities over the entire province to curb predatory pricing by businesses and hoarding of goods.*

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