
Kiko: Lower House approves Victorias RTC branch creation

The House of Representatives has approved on final reading a bill that will create a Regional Trial Court branch in Victorias City, Negros Occidental.

Rep. Francisco “Kiko” Benitez (Neg. Occ., 3rd District), who authored House Bill 6328, said today, December 8, that this will decongest the docket of the RTC branch in Silay City and ensure the speedy disposition of cases and administration of justice in the third district.

“No more justice delayed, no more justice denied,” he said.

The bill states that the chief justice of the Supreme Court in coordination with the secretary of the Department of Justice should immediately include in the court’s program the operationalization of the additional RTC branch in Victorias City.


Benitez has also filed House Bill 46 providing for the construction of a coastal road traversing the cities of Bacolod, Silay, Talisay, and Victorias and the municipality of EB Magalona.

Benitez pointed out that infrastructure plays a crucial role in enabling, and sustaining economic growth.

Stretching 35.85 kilometers once completed, the coastal road will facilitate the efficient flow of goods in the area, catalyzing economic development and generating employment opportunities and new sources of income for the local population, he said.

It will also ease traffic congestion in the Bacolod North Road and mitigate the perennial flooding in the areas it passes through, he added.

He said the bill is pending before the House Committee on Public Works and Highways.*

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