
38th Negros Trade Fair celebrates heritage, sustainability 

Bacolod Mayor Alfredo Abelardo Benitez and Himamaylan Mayor Raymund Tongson with members of the Association of Negros Producers at the launching of 38th Negros Trade Fair on Thursday.*Ronnie Baldonado photo 

The Association of Negros Producers (ANP), with support from the Negros Occidental provincial government, launched Thursday, June 6, the 38th edition of the Negros Trade Fair (NTF), the country’s longest-running private sector-led provincial trade fair. 

The fair with the theme “Halad”, which means offering in Hiligaynon, will be held at Glorietta 2 Palm Drive Activity Center  in Makati City from Sept. 17 to 22.

Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson, in a message read by executive assistant Charina Magallanes-Tan, said the ingenuity of the Negrense producers continues to open opportunities for the small and medium enterprises in both local and international platforms and paves the way for sustainability. 

“The story of the NTF is one of resilience, ingenuity, hope, and courage of the Negrense spirit. For me, that initiative of our Negrense women can be akin to a ‘halad,’ with them offering the fruits of their labor as an alternative source of income,” he told the ANP members and partners during the launch held at the Capitol Social Hall in Bacolod City.

The annual trade fair, which features about 100 booths selling Negrense-made food products, crafts, fashion, and homestyle items, returns for the third time since 2022 after a two-year respite due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Last year, the six-day trade fair raked in about P40 million in total sales, slightly higher than P39 million gained in 2022.

This year’s fair embodies the spirit of generosity and unity that defines the Negrense community, the ANP headed by President Arlene Infante said in a statement. 

Mary Ann Colmenares, 38th NTF co-chairperson, said the ANP uses the image of an orchid, created by artist Stephanie Lindaya, to represent the promise to preserve and nurture Negros’ natural and cultural treasures for generations to come. 

They are  producing products that promote sustainability  to be stewards of the environment, she said. 

They are calling this year’s trade fair Halad because they want to offer  the best  that they can, Colmenares  said. 

They will have 105 booths  at this year’s trade fair,  she added.*PNA 

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