
UNegA general assembly for 2025 polls set Sept. 7

Vice Governor Jeffrey Ferrer*

The United Negros Alliance will hold its general assembly on September 7 in preparation for the May 2025 polls, Vice Governor Jeffrey Ferrer, UNEGA president, said Tuesday, August 20.

Ferrer said he will invite Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson of Love Negros to the general assembly.

He pointed out that the governor’s presence is welcome since UNegA and Love Negros have an existing coalition.

The general assembly will discuss the candidates UNegA will be fielding.

Ferrer, who is running for representative of the 4th District, said five of six mayors have pledged to support him.

Valladolid Mayor Enrique Miravalles is on his third and last term. UNegA will be announcing whom it will field for mayor of Valladolid, Ferrer said.

Lea Delfinado, former Region 6 Department of Public Works and Highways regional director, is said to be running against Ferrer for the fourth congressional seat.*

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