
Show cause orders for failure to produce 122 vehicles readied

Show cause orders will be issued against Bacolod City employees who fail to produce the 122 city government vehicles assigned to them for inventory, Mayor Alfredo Abelardo Benitez said Thursday, February 2.

“We will go through the process, charges will be filed,” Benitez warned.

Benitez had asked that all vehicles of the city be inventoried at the Bacolod City Government Center grounds on January 28 but 122 were missing.

If they say that the vehicles are unserviceable they should report where they are so they can be inspected, Benitez said.

“If they cannot produce the vehicles there will be show cause orders that will be issued,“ he said, which are already being readied.

Benitez is questioning why the books show that the city government has more assets than what were reported by the General Services Office.

The search for the missing vehicles and equipment is part of his administration’s effort to clean the city government’s books, he said.

The Bacolod City government is also starting to implement its cab system for the more efficient use of its vehicles, Benitez said.

All of the city government’s vehicles will be pooled together and employees needing to use them for official business can book a ride, he said.*

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