
Over 100 anti-drug operatives undergo drug tests in Negros

Anti-drug operatives in Negros Occidental undergo drug tests this week.*NOCPPO photo

More than 100 anti-drug operatives from various drug enforcement teams in Negros Occidental underwent drug tests on Tuesday, September 20.

This is part of the internal cleansing policy of the Philippine National Police to ensure that policemen, especially those who focus on illegal drug operations, are not using illegal drugs.

The target of the NOCPPO is to subject all 307 personnel of the drug enforcement teams of the police stations to the drug tests.

Their drug test results are expected to come out next week.

Lt. Judesses Catalogo, NOCPPO public information officer, said policemen who refuse to take the mandatory drug test will have to submit a written explanation or may face an administrative case.

If a policeman tests positive for drug use, he will take a confirmatory test and will be placed under restrictive custody, he said.

If he still tests positive in the confirmatory test, he may face an administrative case and be dismissed from the police service, Catalogo said.*

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