
Ombudsman clears Villarosa, reinstates him as brgy captain

Tangub barangay captain Noli Villarosa*

The Office of the Ombudsman (Visayas) has reversed a ruling against Tangub barangay captain Noli Villarosa and ordered his reinstatement, his lawyer Caesar Distrito said Monday, January 30.

The Ombudsman in a January 9 decision absolved Villarosa and Kagawad Jose Ray Pendon of the charge of simple misconduct.

“This is a vindication on the part of Kap Noli Villarosa and Kag. Jose Ray Pendon, who were just fulfilling their obligation as barangay officials,” Distrito said.

This means the return of the two to office, the payment of their salaries and benefits, and the removal of the order perpetually barring Villarosa from running for office, Distrito said.

On Sept. 1. 2022, the Office of the Ombudsman had granted the motion for reconsideration filed by complainant Candido Nessia Medalla Jr. and found Villarosa and Pendon guilty of simple misconduct.

It dismissed Villarosa from service and perpetually barred him from holding office, while Pendon was suspended for three months without pay.

This prompted Villarosa and Pendon to file a motion for reconsideration.

They said the complainant had not satisfactorily established co-ownership of the fence that was removed for being an illegal structure in compliance with a Department of the Interior and Local Government order.

The ombudsman ruled in favor of Villarosa and Pendon and set aside the Sept. 1, 2022 ruling.

Also on Villarosa’s legal team are lawyers Mark Mayo and Arnel Lapore.*

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