
Nun who helps the sick hospitalized, needs help

Sister Psyche Esclamada Examen who has dedicated her life to helping others needs help.*

A nun who cares for the poorest of the poor who are sick has been hospitalized and badly needs help. 

Sister Psyche Esclamada Examen is a member of the Servants of Mary congregation who work for the poor in Barangay Handumanan, Bacolod City. 

She underwent a successful kidney transplant in June 2022 and had resumed her work in Handumanan. 

However, on April 13 she became ill and remains at the Riverside Medical Center where her hospital bill is mounting.

“I am happy serving the poor who are sick and want to continue to do so,   but cannot because I am also sick,” Sister Psyche said. 

Those who wish to help her can call Sister Carmen Piña, superior of the Servants of Mary Community, at 09060291284.* 

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