
Negros, Bacolod officials join NPC alliance with Marcos party

Rep. Greg Gasataya, Rep. Mercedes Alvarez , Neg. Occ.  Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson and  Rep. Gerardo Valmayor Jr. (l-r) at the  alliance signing Saturday night.*Greg Gasataya FB page photo 

Negros Occidental and Bacolod City officials  attended  the  alliance signing of the  Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP) and  Nationalist People’s Coalition (NPC) in Makati City  on Saturday night. 

Present at the alliance signing  were Negros Occidental   Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson, Rep. Mercedes Alvarez (Neg. Occ., 6th District), Rep. Gerardo Valmayor Jr. (Neg. Occ., 1st District)  and  Rep. Greg Gasataya (Bacolod), who are NPC members. 

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.,  PFP chairperson,   in his message  described the alliance as “durable” because it is a “partnership of equals” born out of the “need to unite for the greater good” rather than a “marriage of convenience.” 

“With the joining of forces, we are no longer individual players in the field of politics but a strong, united front that is determined to actively shape the future of our people.”  

“We are not joining forces for some narrow electoral objective alone. Of course, the approaching political cycle is an important element and has added impetus to what we are doing,” he said. 

 “But more than that, it is to continue to collaborate to work on the urgent needs of our people. Our agenda is the nation’s progress. Nothing more, nothing less,” Marcos added. 

Lacson said “the alliance was seen during the last presidential election, the signing was just a formality.” 

He said the majority of the NPC supported Marcos in the last election.  

Lacson had supported Leni Robredo for president.   

The PFP earlier also  signed an alliance  with Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats.* 

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