
More Negros power plants to deliver renewable energy

There are seven committed power projects in Negros Island aiming to produce 155.6 megawatts that are underway, a Department of Energy (DOE) official said on Wednesday, March 20. 

   The seven will include battery energy storage systems (BESS), geothermal, solar   and biomass renewable energy  plants that are expected to be completed from 2024 to 2026,     Jose Rey Maleza, DOE Energy Industry Management Division chief,  reported    at a Negros Electric Power Forum at L’Fisher Hotel in Bacolod City. 

The following are the seven committed projects: 

There are also 16 other indicative  power projects in the pipeline for Negros that have yet to be undertaken and  are aiming to produce 1,231.7 megawatts of power, Maleza added. 

The 16 that will be BESS, solar, wind and hydro projects are:

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