Rep. Francisco “Kiko” Benitez (Neg. Occ., 3rd District) called for action to support blue swimming crab fisherfolk during the launch of the first regional congress of the Panay-Negros-Guimaras Crab Fishers Alliance (PANEG-CA) at the Negros Residences in Bacolod City Monday, Dec. 18.
Benitez, in his speech, said the Philippine blue swimming crabs are internationally recognized as un-sustainably fished. “Issues such as habitat damage and overfishing continue to exert significant pressure on our blue swimming crab population,” he said, pointing out that “fishing mortality rates are too high, and it is getting sufficiently alarming” .
As one of the solutions to this issue, Benitez emphasized the need for hatcheries to replenish the population, the creation of reserved areas, and implementing closed seasons to give crabs time to grow. “If we can do the three things the red flag on blue swimming craps can be removed,” he said.
Benitez lauded the unity of fisherfolk from Panay, Guimaras, and Negros, emphasizing the necessity to transcend political boundaries and adopt a whole-of-nation approach to ecosystem-based fisheries management.
He urged the fisherfolk to use the first Regional Congress as an opportunity to collaborate, balancing economic needs with ecological sustainability.
Benitez informed the participants of legislative initiatives Congress is working on to support fisherfolk, including a review of the Fisheries Code and the Integrated Coastal Area Management bill.
Benitez is author of the Blue Economy Bill, which seeks to mandate agencies to coordinate zoning for fishing grounds, transport, and other uses for the seas and oceans.
“The world of nature does not abide by our political boundaries,” said Benitez. “So, we need to coordinate our efforts so our policies are not fragmented,” he added.
Benitez ended by assuring the fisherfolk that he will continue to help them achieve democratic and sustainable fisheries.*