
‘Join jamborun, help raise funds for undernourished kids meals’

The Mikel Lovina Jamborun 2022, a race to raise funds for 60,000 Mingo Meals for undernourished Filipino children, will be held on March 6.

The Mikel Lovina Jamborun is an annual run that commemorates the passing of Negrense Mikel Lovina 25 years ago in a car accident. The organizers aim to run 25 kilometers, 1 kilometer to represent each year since Mikel’s passing. However, participants are welcome to run/walk any distance they choose.

The Mikel Lovina Jamborun is a charity activity in partnership with the Negrense Volunteers for Change Foundation (NVC).

“NVC Foundation’s partnership with the Mikel Lovina Jamborun has allowed us to respond effectively wherever the greatest need calls us. Because of its runners, we have fed Mingo Meals to nutritionally deprived children living on mountaintops and even in evacuation centers of Taal,” Millie Kilayko, NVC Foundation president, said.

“This year’s run will serve children in Siargao who were adversely affected by Typhoon Odette and we hope to see more hungry little stomachs smile because of Mikel Lovina Jamborun,” Kilayko said.

“We’re grateful to NVC for being our partner in alleviating malnutrition in the Philippines and inspiring us to add purpose to our passion of running. We invite everyone who loves running or those who are looking to start, this is the perfect event for you. Imagine being able to feed a child with every kilometer. There’s no better motivation than that,” said Ines Lovina Santiago, the only sibling of Mikel and founder and organizer of the Jamborun.

The Mikel Lovina Jamborun 25 is open to people of all ages, all around the world.

For every kilometer ones runs, a child will be fed, organizers said, adding that for details on how to register one can go to*

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