
Army installs Sison new 3ID commander

Brig. Gen. Marion R. Sison *

The new commander of the Army’s 3rd Infantry (Spearhead) Division was installed at rites held at Camp General Macario B. Peralta in Jamindan, Capiz, on Sunday, February 26.

Brig. Gen. Marion R. Sison replaced Lt. Gen. Benedict M. Arevalo in a change-of-command ceremony presided by Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner Jr., Army commanding general.

Sison, in his speech, said “Let us be united in achieving our mission, but let us not forget to take good care of ourselves to be fit and healthy. When we are at our best, we can surely deliver and continue to respect and support each other as members of the Spearhead Troopers in its broadest sense”.

Arevalo thanked the Spearhead Troopers for their courage that led to the tactical victories of the Army in Western and Central Visayas against the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army terrorists.

Before his designation as 3ID commander, Sison was the 3ID’s assistant division commander.*

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