
8 more Kabankalan City gov’t employees COVID-19 positive

Seven more personnel of the Kabankalan City Engineer’s Office (CEO) and an employee of the City Assessor’s Office have tested positive for COVID-19, Judson Cabalatongan of the Kabankalan Inter-Agency Task Force said today, November 19.

He said the Kabankalan CEO and Assessor’s Office remain closed.

The CEO personnel were tested for COVID-19 after an assistant city engineer who tested positive for COVID-19 died, he said.

The Assessor’s Office employee who tested positive for COVID-19 is the best friend of the engineer who died, Cabalatongan added.

A second batch of CEO employees will be tested for COVID-19 tomorrow, November 20, and if the results are positive contact tracing will be conducted that would determine if more Kabankalan City government offices should be closed, he added.*

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