
3 NegOcc representatives voted against divorce bill 

Rep. Alfredo Marañon III, Rep. Emilio Yulo III and Rep. Mercedes Alvarez (l-r)* 

Three Negros Occidental representatives voted against a bill reinstituting absolute divorce in the country, which was approved by the House of Representatives last week on third and final reading. 

There were 131 affirmative votes, 109 negative votes, and 20 abstentions. 

Among those who voted against House Bill (HB) 9349, or the proposed Absolute Divorce Act, were Rep. Alfredo Marañon III (Neg. Occ., 2nd District), Rep. Emilio Yulo III (Neg. Occ., 5th District) and Rep. Mercedes Alvarez (Neg. Occ., 6th District). 

Marañon said he voted against the bill because a priest at a mass he attended reminded the congregation that what God joined together in marriage, no human being must separate.  

The priest also pointed that Jesus said whoever divorces ones wife or husband commits adultery. 

Yulo said he voted against the bill “because in any successful divorce proceedings those who are affected are the children. I’m not prepared to see children suffering from the failure of their parents to fight for their marriage”. 

Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson said “there is no need for a divorce law. As it is, there is a way out of a failed marriage”.* 

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