Mayor Nicholas Yulo has appointed Bago City Legal Officer Aaron Lirazan as the hearing officer for the charges to be filed against Bago City Hospital personnel facing a complaint for the death of a baby in February.
The hearing will commence as soon as the formal charges are filed, the Bago City mayor said on Tuesday, March 11.
The Bago City government will be the complainant in the case since it involves employees of the Bago City Hospital, he said.
The baby’s father claimed there was negligence on the part of the Bago City Hospital staff that caused his son to die and his wife to be in critical condition.
His wife was in labor for 12 hours and asked to give birth by cesarian, but her request was not heeded, he said.
A fact-finding committee created by Yulo concluded that substantial evidence exists to establish the fact that the medical practitioners involved “committed lapses in doing their duties and responsibilities and therefore recommends the filing of an appropriate administrative charge against them”.
Yulo said he cannot divulge the details of the investigation because under the Civil Service law they will remain confidential until the formal charges are filed.
Yulo said he condoles with the family of the baby that died and assures that everything will be done according to the process for them to attain closure.
Trust in the process that is required under the law, Yulo said.
Yulo reminded city employees, especially medical practitioners, to do their jobs well to save lives.
This is an isolated case, it is not the practice at the Bago City Hospital that has helped a lot of people, Yulo also said.*