Viral exanthem, also known as “makayha”, an eruptive skin rash that is often related to a viral infection, has hit 32 students at the Negros Occidental High School, Dr. Sheila Blancia, NOHS Medical Officer III, said Thursday, Oct. 17.
If a child shows symptoms of the virus medical attention should be sought, she said.
The student should also stay home to avoid infecting others, she said. Parents should inform the student’s teacher so distance learning materials can be sent so the child’s studies are not interrupted, Blancia said.
Viral exanthem can cause red or pink spots on the skin over large parts of the body, and can be accompanied by fever, headaches, sore throat, and fatigue.
Viral infections can be highly contagious so anyone with a viral exanthem should avoid close contact with others until the rash is gone.
Blancia said the viral exanthem cases at NOHS started in September.
It can be transmitted through saliva, touching infected objects and is more likely to spread in crowded places, Blancia said.
She stressed the need to observe proper hygiene, such as frequent hand washing and wearing of masks.*