
USLS student launches Project SLEEP campaign

Angelo Despi, the Project SLEEP proponent, with  Dr. Cinderella Francisco.* 

In today’s fast-paced digital age, the prevalence of sleep deprivation among students has become a growing concern.

A University of St. La Salle’s fourth-year AB Communication student, Angelo Despi, has taken a step to address this issue through his advocacy project titled Project Sleep.

As the Project Director, Despi aims to shed light on the detrimental effects of excessive screen time, particularly social media addiction, and its impact on sleep patterns.

Collaborating with Dr. Cinderella R. Francisco and the USLS Guidance and Evaluation Center, Despi said he initiated Project Sleep in February, recognizing the urgent need to raise awareness about the adverse effects of sleep deprivation.

Drawing from personal experience, Despi acknowledged his own struggles with sleep disturbances induced by prolonged screen exposure, a common predicament among today’s youth.

Despi said his motivation stems from his desire to prevent others from falling into the same cycle of sleep deprivation.

He emphasized that sleep deprivation not only compromises mental acuity but also undermines physical well-being.

Understanding the profound implications of sleep deficiency, Despi said his primary goal is to encourage students to prioritize their sleep and adopt healthier habits.

To achieve this goal, Project Sleep employs a multifaceted approach, he said.

Through a dynamic social media awareness campaign, spearheaded by the Project’s Facebook page, Despi said he aims to reach a wide audience of students.

By leveraging various online platforms, Project Sleep seeks

to engage and educate individuals about the importance of sleep hygiene and the risks associated with excessive screen time, he said.

Project Sleep also extends its outreach efforts beyond the digital realm by collaborating with institutional partners. By leveraging the resources of the USLS Guidance and Evaluation Center, Despi endeavors to provide comprehensive support to students grappling with sleep-related issues.

The culmination of Project Sleep’s efforts will be a symposium scheduled for April 24. The symposium will serve as a platform to delve deeper into the negative effects of sleep deprivation

and offer practical strategies for cultivating healthy sleep habits, he said.

Through expert insights and interactive discussions, attendees will gain valuable knowledge about the psychological ramifications of sleep deprivation and learn actionable steps to safeguard their well-being, Despi said.

As Project Sleep continues to gain momentum, Despi said he remains steadfast in his commitment to effecting positive change.

By empowering students with the knowledge and tools to prioritize their sleep, he hopes to foster a culture of well-being within the university community, Despi said.

Project Sleep stands as a beacon of hope in the fight against sleep deprivation, Despi added.

Through collaborative efforts and targeted initiatives, Despi said he and his team are paving the way for a healthier, more balanced approach to student life.

As we navigate the digital landscape, let us heed the call to prioritize our sleep and safeguard our well-being for generations to come, Despi said.*

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