
UNIFED backs Santillana as SRA OIC vs. Serafica 

The United Sugar Producers Federation (UNIFED) is supporting the temporary appointment of  Ignacio Santillana as officer-in-charge of the Sugar Regulatory Administration while waiting for the  official appointee of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who is also sitting as secretary of the Department of Agriculture.

The press statement from UNIFED president Manuel Lamata Friday, July 15, came after Hermenegildo Serafica issued a memorandum order on July 12 stating that his position as SRA administrator was not covered by the Memorandum Circular 1 from the Office of the President.

Memorandum Circular 1  states  that all appointed officials must vacate their posts effective June 30 to give the new administration leeway to appoint its  own people.

“Serafica is a disgrace to the sugar industry,” Lamata said, adding that this is the first time in its history that an appointed administrator defied the orders of a sitting president.

“It is very embarrassing and proves our suspicions that Serafica has a different agenda for hanging on to a post that he should have long vacated. He has done more damage to the sugar industry than any administrator and this recent pathetic move from him shows he has a personal agenda,” Lamata added.

A call for unity among sugar industry stakeholders was made after Serafica vacated his post  on July 2, Lamata said.

 “This recent move from him (Serafica) is not helping our industry that is beset with a lot of problems especially at this time,” Lamata said.

“To Mr. Serafica, get out and get lost. Go back to where you belong and stop being a disgrace to your family and to the industry. We have had enough of you,” Lamata added. *

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