The two bullets found on the stairs of the Food Terminal Market of Occidental Negros (FTMON) at North Capitol Road in Bacolod City were claimed by a person connected to a military intelligence unit in Negros Occidental, Renelo Lastierre, head of the Capitol’s Security and Safety Division, said on Wednesday, July 12.
The bullets found on July 3 were not left in the area as a threat to anyone, the person who claimed ownership of them in fact returned to the FTMON to look for them, he said.
Lastierre said the person asked that his identity be withheld but he has video footage of his claiming the two bullets.
The person said he was asked to buy the bullets and he later discovered that two were missing that is why he returned to the FTMON to look for them.
That is why he considers the case close, Lastierre said.
Three days after the discovery of the two 9mm bullets, Lastierre said he was stripped of his supervision of the Capitol’s blue guards, and the vehicle and gun assigned to him were recalled.
Lastierre is still in charge of the supervision of about 50 watchmen of the provincial government, he said.
The motorcycles of some watchmen were also recalled and the contracts of four were not renewed, he added.
Lastierre, who is president of the Progressive Alliance of Capitol employees, said he has served the provincial government for 26 years to the best of his ability and will continue to do so as long as he has the trust of the governor.*