
Tag: kanlaon

Relocation para sa mga nagapuyo sakop sang 4km permanent danger zone padayon nga gina pangitaan paagi

Relocation para sa mga nagapuyo sakop sang 4km permanent danger zone padayon nga gina pangitaan paagi

Balita Hiligaynon
Relocation sang mga pumuluyo nga yara sa four kilometer permanent danger zone sang bulkan Kanlaon ang naga pabilin nga pagpanghangkat.Suno kay John de asis ang disaster Risk Reduction Management Office Head sang La Castellana may kinse mga pamilya ukon 50 ka individuals nga ang mga puluy-an kag palangabuhian yara sa nasakpan sang 4km permanent danger zone nga kabahin sang Brgy Masulog kag Biak na Bato.Ini sila sa karon ang yara sa relocation site sang ila nga mga barangay.Pero sa adlaw sila ang gina tugutan nga mag balik sa ila mga lugar para man sa ila palangabuhian suno kay de Asis.Nagapabilin man ang ila kasapatan sa lugar.Indi masarangan sang banwa ang bilog nga kagastuhanan sa pag relocated sa ila. Ginsiling ni Office of the Civil Defense Regional Dir...
OCD-6 coordinates with other agencies for relocation  of Mt. Kanlaon residents 

OCD-6 coordinates with other agencies for relocation  of Mt. Kanlaon residents 

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The restive Kanlaon Volcano.*Richard Malihan photoThe Office of Civil Defense-Western Visayas (OCD-6) is coordinating with other government agencies to initiate the relocation of residents within the four-kilometer permanent danger zone (PDZ) of Mt. Kanlaon in Negros Island. OCD-6 Regional Director Raul Fernandez, who also chairs the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (RDRRMC)-6, said on Thursday, July 18, that  the affected local government units (LGUs), including La Castellana, La Carlota City, and Bago City, are willing to comply with such recommendation, but they are facing funding limitations. “One of the challenges is the cost of relocation. Our LGUs cannot afford the budget for that so we are seeking the assistance of the involved nat...
Phivolcs warns of increased chances of Kanlaon eruption 

Phivolcs warns of increased chances of Kanlaon eruption 

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The restive Kanlaon Volcano.*Richard Malihan photoThe  Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) issued a  notice on Monday, July 15,  of ongoing increased ground deformation changes at Kanlaon Volcano that could lead to an eruption. “Considering that volcanic earthquake activity and elevated volcanic SO2 emission persists, the latest changes in ground deformation parameters could further indicate that magmatic intrusion beneath the edifice may be taking place, warning of increased chances of eruptive activity taking place,” Phivolcs said  in its advisory. Ground deformation monitoring of Kanlaon Volcano has been recording a pronounced increase in the inflation or swelling of the edifice for the past month, Phivolcs said. ...
Kanlaon eruption has minimal effect on June inflation: PSA 

Kanlaon eruption has minimal effect on June inflation: PSA 

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The eruption of Mt. Kanlaon in Negros Island had minimal effect on the June inflation rate for all income households in Negros Occidental, which increased to 4.5 percent from 4.2 percent in May this year, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) on Monday, July 15.PSA-Negros Occidental chief statistical specialist John Campomanes said the increase in the prices of some goods after the volcanic eruption on June 3 was negligible.  “There are some vegetable items affected, but the volcanic eruption itself has no major contribution to inflation because the Department of Trade and Industry implemented an automatic price freeze,” Campomanes said in a press conference held at the PSA Negros Occidental Provincial Statistical Office in Bacolod City.In Negros...
Bulkan Kanlaon padayon nga may ground deformation, posible maglupok suno sa PHIVOLCS 

Bulkan Kanlaon padayon nga may ground deformation, posible maglupok suno sa PHIVOLCS 

Balita Hiligaynon sa advisory, padayon na monitor sang PHIVOLCS nga naga damo ang paghabok sa idalom nga parte sang bulkan.  Humalin pa sang 2022 ang ini nga obserbasyon nga naga pakita nga may malawig na nga build-up sang pressure sa idalom sang bulkan.Kun basehan pa gid ang mga volcanic earthquakes, pagdamo sang gina buga nga sulfur dioxide kag ang gound deformation, suno sa PHIVOLCS indikasyon ini sang magmatic intrusion sa idalom.  Gani naga paandam ang PHIVOLCS sa naga dako man nga posibilidad sang liwat nga paglupok sang bulkan.Naga remind ang PHIVOLCS nga napaidalom sa Alert Level 2 sa gihapon ang bulkan Kanlaon.  Wala sang tawo dapat sa 4 kilometer permanent danger zone.  Engkaso mag ash fall, gina abi...
DSWD-6 releases P24M aid to Kanlaon eruption victims 

DSWD-6 releases P24M aid to Kanlaon eruption victims 

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The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office VI  has released  P24,090,978 in  assistance to  families affected by the June 3 eruption of Kanlaon Volcano in  Negros Island. Released were P3,214,550 worth of family food packs, P4,896,428 in non-food items and P15,980,000 in cash assistance, a DSWD  report said Wednesday, July 10. Distributed were to 4,334  family food packs,  while the  non-food items  included sleeping kits and hygiene kits, the DSWD said.  The cash assistance provided was P10,000 each for 1,598 displaced families  who  evacuated immediately after the eruption of Kanlaon, it added. Ten families composed of 34 individuals remain in two evacuation...
DRRMO kag iban nga ahensya naga preposition na enkaso maglupok liwat ang bulkan Kanlaon

DRRMO kag iban nga ahensya naga preposition na enkaso maglupok liwat ang bulkan Kanlaon

Balita Hiligaynon preposition na ang resources kag iban pa gid nga logistics sang Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office upod sa national government agencies enkaso nga matabo ang posible nga paglupok liwat sang bulkan Kanlaon.Ini suno kay Irene Bel Plotena pamuno sang Provincial DRRMO nga nagpaathag nga nalakip sa ila nga pre-positioning ang mga assets nila lakip na mga relief goods kag personnel, bilang kabahin sang pag panghanda enkaso nga maglupok ang bulkan Kanlaon.Sang Biyernes nag patawag ang Office of the Civil Defense sang Pre-Disaster Risk Asssesment agudto mapasiguro nga plastado ang tanan labi na nga ginabantayan sang maid-id karon ang Kanlaon activity.Tuga man sang saka sa sulfur dioxide flux sang bulkan may ...
SO2 flux sa Kanlaon nagapabilin mataas; disaster risk assessment sa posible re-erruption ginpatigayon

SO2 flux sa Kanlaon nagapabilin mataas; disaster risk assessment sa posible re-erruption ginpatigayon

Balita Hiligaynon
Masobra sa 4,000 ka tonelada sang sulfur dioxide flux ang na-record sang Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology sa Bulkan Kanlaon.Samtang Office of the Civil Defense ang nagpatuman sang Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment angut sa posible liwat paglupok sang Bulkan.Ginpamunuan sang Office of the Civil Defense 6 kag 7 ang pre-disaster Risk Assessment sang Biyernes, may kaangtanan sa ginalantaw posible nga liwat nga pag lupok sang Bulkan Kanlaon.Mismo si OCD 6 Director kag Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council 6 chairman, Raul Fernandez ang nag pamuno sang pagsinapol sandig sa post sang OCD Western Visayas.Upod man diri ang mga alkalde sang apektado nga mga LGU, katapo sang PDRRMO kag mga LDRRMO.Indi lamang ang estado sang Bulkan Kanlaon ang gi...
Kanlaon’s quakes drop to 67, sulfur gas emissions down, too 

Kanlaon’s quakes drop to 67, sulfur gas emissions down, too 

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Kanlaon Volcano remains under AlertLevel 2*Andrew Altarejos photoThe number of volcanic earthquakes and sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas emissions at Kanlaon Volcano slightly dropped on Thursday, July 4. The volcano registered 67 volcanic earthquakes from 90 the previous day, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) reported. Phivolcs also said the volcanic sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas emission from the summit crater that was at a high of 5,083 tons on Tuesday was down to 3,779 tons on Thursday. However, Kanlaon Volcano remains under Alert Level 2.  This means that there is current unrest driven by shallow magmatic processes that could eventually lead to explosive eruptions or even precede a hazardous magmatic eruption at the summit cra...
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