
Tag: Bacolod

Duterte places WV, 5 other regions under state of calamity for 1 year

Duterte places WV, 5 other regions under state of calamity for 1 year

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Ronnie Baldonado photoPresident Rodrigo Duterte has declared the entire Western Visayas and five other regions under a state of calamity for one year after Typhoon Odette “caused widespread devastation and damages.”Also declared under a state of calamity are regions IV-B, VII, VIII, X, and XIII effective Tuesday, December 21.The Sangguniang Panlungsod also approved a resolution Wednesday afternoon, December 22, placing Bacolod City under a state of calamity following the onslaught of Typhoon Odette, Councilor Renecito Novero said.Bacolod Mayor Evelio Leonardia had forwarded a City Development Council resolution to the SP requesting the declaration of a state of calamity and to accept offers of national and international assistance based on need, he said.The typhoon affe...
Baligyaan sang mga palupok sa Bacolod nagsugod na sa pagbukas, iban na delay bangud sang bagyo

Baligyaan sang mga palupok sa Bacolod nagsugod na sa pagbukas, iban na delay bangud sang bagyo

Balita Hiligaynon
Baligyaan sang mga palupok bukas na sa Bacolod. Pero may iban pa nga wala makasugod bangud sang Bagyo Odette.Sang Lunes pa kuntani sugod ang pagbaligya sang mga palupok sa Reclamation Area nga amo ang designated area sa Bacolod para baligyaan sang palupok kag pyrotechnics.Ugaling pila sa mga baligyaan ang ginakaayo pa bangud naguba sang Bagyo Odette.Sa 62 ka baligyaan may masobra pa lang ang nakabaligya sang makakuha man sang permit.Malaka pa ang mga bumalakal pero ginalauman sang mga magagmay nga negosyante sang palupok nga makabawi sila antes sang adlaw sang pagsug alaw sang bag ong tuig.
Colorless aid

Colorless aid

Help for those affected by Typhoon Odette has been pouring in the province, particularly in southern Negros that was severely beaten by the storm.It took a day for everyone to realize the devastation it caused, particularly in Kabankalan City, and three more days to discover the extent of destruction it also caused in other LGUs further down south, particularly in Sipalay City which has the highest death toll.I’m not new to disasters and have covered many through the years as a reporter on the ground. You view it with a different lens, trying to stay stoic even while looking at the tragic scene around you, in your attempt to get the figures and report it back immediately.Last Sunday, the experience was different. I joined Rotarians from Negros deliver aid to affected areas....
Bacolod now under state of calamity

Bacolod now under state of calamity

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The Sangguniang Panlungsod approved a resolution Wednesday afternoon, December 22, placing Bacolod City under a state of calamity following the onslaught of Typhoon Odette, Councilor Renecito Novero said.Bacolod Mayor Evelio Leonardia had forwarded a City Development Council resolution to the SP requesting the declaration of a state of calamity and to accept offers of national and international assistance based on need, he said.The typhoon affected 57 of 61 Bacolod barangays.Houses destroyed were 745 and damaged were 8,309, city government data on Wednesday showed.*
Add’l budget for Bacolod hospital, coliseum road ‘done deal’: Migz

Add’l budget for Bacolod hospital, coliseum road ‘done deal’: Migz

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City PIO photoSenator Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri pledged an additional P200 million budget for the construction of the Bacolod City General Hospital and road construction for the coliseum and museum Wednesday, December 22.Zubiri, who met with Mayor Evelio Leonardia to turn over 100 sacks of rice for the victims of Super Typhoon Odette, said the extra fund is separate from the P400 million that was set for the construction of the hospital in Barangay Vista Alegre.“I told Mayor Bing to use me as a tool to get projects and programs. Not only do we have the coliseum, we also have the hospital. It is a done deal and it is in the budget. I have fulfilled my commitment to you. We only need the implementation,” Zubiri said.Zubiri’s arrival at the Bacolod Government Center coincided ...
‘Bacolod most competitive LGU in Western Visayas’

‘Bacolod most competitive LGU in Western Visayas’

City PIO photoBacolod City has been named the Most Competitive Local Government Unit in Western Visayas.Mayor Evelio Leonardia said the new achievement by the city was announced earlier this week, adding that it is a very positive way to cap the year 2021 and usher in a more vibrant and dynamic Bacolod economy in 2022, a Bacolod Public Information Office press release said Wednesday, December 21.Bacolod topped three of four pillars of the Cities and Municipalities Competitiveness Index set by the Department of Trade and Industry to bring home the award.The city government was also adjudged Most Competitive City for the entire Visayas in 2019 by the DTI.The CMCI is an annual ranking of Philippine cities and municipalities developed by the National Competitiveness Council...
Fully vaxxed Bacolodnons can now avail of booster shots after 3 months

Fully vaxxed Bacolodnons can now avail of booster shots after 3 months

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City PIO photoFully-vaccinated Bacolodnons need not have to wait for six months to get a booster shot.Dr. Edwin Miraflor Jr., officer-in-charge of the Bacolod City Health Office, said the Department of Health has issued a revised interval schedule, saying that fully-inoculated residents can get a booster dose three months after completing their two-dose vaccination.Miraflor said that all adults aged 18-and-above are now eligible to receive a single-dose of Covid-19 vaccine at least three months after completing their primary dose of either AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer-BioNtech, Sinovac or Sputnik vaccine.Those administered with the single-shot Johnson and Johnson are qualified to get a booster after two months.The new guideline, which follows the amended Emergency Use A...
Nagdagsa ang bangrus sa dalan matapos ang baha sa Ilog

Nagdagsa ang bangrus sa dalan matapos ang baha sa Ilog

Balita Hiligaynon
Sa Good Vibes, kun sang Sabado nagbaha ang tahong sa baybayon sang Valladolid bangud sang bagyo, sa Andulauan sa Ilog naman, bangrus ang nag dagsa pagkatapos sang pagbaha.Sa post ni Chester Keith Cabreros nga nataga Andulauan, indi na bag-o sa ila ang pag dagsa sa mga bangrus kay man sa kada pag baha ini ang isa sa ila nga gina hulat.Makit-an sa video nga mansig pangsikop sang bangrus ang mga pumuluyo. Ang iban may dala nga mga labador kag palareho man nga naga enjoy.Suno kay Keith ang iban tunga gani sa sako ang makuha. May mga naga konsumo ang makuha nga mga bangrus ang iban naman gina baligya. 20 pesos suno sa iya ang bilog sang gin pakas ang iban 60 pesos ang baligya sang kilo sang lab-as.Madamo nag kuha suno kay Keith bangud sang pag-awas sang mga punong sa lugar.
P1.5M nga balor sang grand prize sa pa-raffle ihatag ni anay Cong. Benitez sa mga nahalitan sang bagyo

P1.5M nga balor sang grand prize sa pa-raffle ihatag ni anay Cong. Benitez sa mga nahalitan sang bagyo

Balita Hiligaynon
House and lot nga kuntani premyo sa pa raffle sa kaadlawan ni anay congressman Albee Benitez gin kansela. Tigaylo ang pondo ang gamiton na lang para ibulig sa mga nahalitan sang Bagyo Odette.Gin cancel ang virtual gathering sang mga supporters sa selebrasyon sang kaadlawan ni anay congressman Albee Benitez kagab-i.Bangud man sang problema sa internet connection wala man matigayon ang pa raffle. Gani sa baylo nga ihatag ang house and lot nga grand prize para sa iya mga supporters, nagdesisyon si Benitez nga gamiton na lamang ang kapin uno punto sinko milyones pesos nga balor sang grand prize para mabuligan ang nahalitan sang Bagyo Odette.Suno sa iya labaw sa pagpalipay sa kuntani makabaton sang duta kag balay ang tuyo niya nga mapalab-ot ang ayuda sa mga yadtong nawad-an sang pu...
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