
Son kills pa in Manapla: PNP

A farmer was killed by his son in Hacienda Quinaroyan, Brgy. San Pablo, Manapla, Negros Occidental, Tuesday night, September 5, the police reported Thursday.

Florenccio Arquiz Sr., 58, alias “Puring”, was hacked by his son Mayo, 38, after he tried to enter the latter’s house, the police reported.

When the victim entered the house, the suspect suddenly hit him with a sugarcane cutter on his upper right hand, the police said.

The victim was brought to the Teresita L. Jalandoni Provincial Hospital in Silay City but was declared dead on arrival.

The suspect was endorsed to the police by barangay tanods and a witness on Wednesday morning.

Maj. Jaynick Bermudez, Manapla police chief, told DIGICAST NEGROS the family has yet to decide whether to file charges against the suspect.

The suspect is now under the custody of Manapla police and will be released if there is no case filed against him after the reglementary period, Bermudez said.*

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