
Senate approves NEPC bill on second reading

Sen. Grace Poe steered the passage of the bill on second reading at Monday’s session.*

The Senate approved House Bill No. 9805 granting a franchise to the Negros Electric and Power Corporation (NEPC) on second reading, Monday, May 13.

The franchise will allow NEPC, a joint venture between Primelectric and Central Negros Electric Cooperative, to take over the power distribution services of CENECO in Bacolod, Silay, Talisay and Bago cities, as well as the municipalities of Murcia and Don Salvador Benedicto.

Senate Committee on Public Services chairperson, Senator Grace Poe, steered the passage of  the bill on second reading at Monday’s session.

Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri earlier said he believes the bill granting the NEPC a franchise will be approved on third and final reading soon.

“I believe it will have majority support in the Senate. Hopefully we will approve it before the sine die break”, Zubiri told DIGICAST NEGROS on May 1.*

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