
RPOC will have to convene on stable peace, security declaration, guv says

Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson*

Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson said the Regional Peace and Order Council will have to convene to discuss the declaration of a State of Stable Internal Peace and Security (SIPS) in Negros.

Maj. Gen. Marion Sison, commander of the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division, earlier said the SIPS may now be formally declared by concerned Local Chief Executives, after its conditions have been met.

“We will l see if we can already declare it at the peace and order council as a collegial body. But obviously we recognize the gains accomplished by the Philippine Army ,” Lacson said.

“On the part of the LGUs it is our civic duty to sustain that gain by providing assistance to the previously conflicted areas,” he added.

Even with the Communist Party of the Philippine-New People’s Army units having been dismantled in the province, the Philippine Army has assured that it will not pull out, Lacson said.

“They will see to it that it (the dismantling of the CPP-NPA) is really more of a permanent situation,” he added.

“We cannot just rest on the ability of the Philippine Army to secure the areas.
The LGUs really have to do their parts,” Lacson said.

The Army’s 3ID is aiming for the declaration SIPS in Negros Island in the first quarter of 2024.

The leadership of the 3ID cited the dismantling of all guerrilla fronts operating in the island and the absence of major violence and incidents perpetrated by the Communist Terrorists Group in the area for more than a year as significant factors for the declaration.

But the focused military operations against rebel remnants are still ongoing to prevent them from recovering their lost territories and recruiting new members, Lt. Col. J Jay Javines, 3ID Public Affairs Office chief, said.

Sison said the SIPS declaration in a locality will attract new investments, generate more jobs, and provide opportunities to Negrenses.*

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