
Prices of meat increase

There has been a noticeable increase in the average price of livestock and poultry commodities in Negros Occidental, Dr. Placeda Lemana, OIC Provincial Veterinarian, said on Tuesday, October 8.

The increase in carabeef was P2.74 a kilo, beef – P2/kilo, pork – P2.74/kilo, chevon – P2.11/kilo and broilers – P3/kilo.

The increase in prices may be attributed to increased demand of meat products during the All Saints and All Souls Day celebration, she said.

The current provincial average price on table eggs are: Small – P6.61, Medium – P7.25, Large – P7.99, X-Large – P8.64, Salted Egg – P13.22 and Ballot – P25.44, Lemana said.

Slaughtered pigs in Don San Salvador had the highest buying price for liveweight at P153/kilo, she added.*

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