
Power Watch upbeat on supply stability

Power Watch Negros is looking forward to the operation of the electric reserve market in the country as it will address current power issues in Negros and will strengthen grid transmission stability, especially when the Negros Electric and Power Corporation (NEPC) begins operations.

Power Watch Secretary-General Wennie Sancho said in a press statement on Tuesday, January 30, that the Department of Energy’s announcement of the commercial operation of the electric reserve market will help ensure power stability in Negros and Western Visayas.

With the commercialization of the reserve market, the available reserves are sufficient to ensure the system stability of the grid in the Mindanao-Visayas Interconnection Project, Energy Chief Rafael Lotilla said in a report.

Sancho said the participation of NEPC and the new DOE policy on ancillary services will strengthen grid transmission stability.

It will also prevent power outages in the CENECO service area due to lack of capacity because the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines is ready to provide supplementary power supply during peak hours and emergencies when there are shortages and grid problems, he added.*

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