
OCD still looking for more Alert Level 4 evac centers

The Himamaylan tent city.*OCD photo

The search for more evacuation centers for an expected surge in displaced residents if Alert Level 4 is raised at Kanlaon Volcano is ongoing, an Office of the Civil Defense (OCD ) official said on Friday, March 14.

OCD Negros Island Region Director Donato Sermeno III said they have asked local government units in the province to provide figures on the capacity of their available evacuation centers.

Himamaylan City is proposing to build another tent city, next to the existing one, but that is still being worked out, Sermeno said.

Their proposal is for about 300 more tents, he said.

Silay City, San Carlos City, Bago City and Pontevedra are also among the areas that will be able to accommodate evacuees, he said.

Meanwhile, 700 sacks of rice from the OCD fund have arrived for the affected LGUs.

Sermeno said rice was delivered to La Carlota City , La Castellana, and Canlaon City.*

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