
Nuns get help for sick poor

Sister Carmen Piña receives the donation turned over by Elvie Judge and her sister Elva (l-r)*

A Negrense who owns a restaurant in Montana, USA, turned over much needed aid to the Siervas de Maria (Servants of Mary) nuns who run a charity clinic for the poor in Barangay Handumanan, Bacolod City.

The assistance will help the nuns buy medicines for their indigent patients.

The clinic also has doctors who attend to patients and a laboratory for tests.

Elvie Judge, who is on vacation in Negros, on Sunday turned over the donation of her daughter Jude Gene Keutla and her husband, Tobee.

The couple started selling Filipino food in a tent in 2003, Judge said.

Today they own a restaurant in Montana called Mia’s Lumpia Filipino Grill and a food truck.

They join an event every summer where a certain percentage of their sales goes to a non-profit organization that truly needs help, and this year the Siervas de Maria was the perfect choice, Judge said.

They also conduct feeding programs for the poor and house calls for those who are too ill to go to the clinic.

Judge said the donation of the couple was their way of giving back.

The Siervas de Maria nuns happily and tirelessly provide medical care for the poor, especially in Handumanan.

The Siervas de Maria nuns need help to keep their clinic going for the sick poor, so donations are truly a blessing, charity diva Token Lizares said.

They also need help for the medicines of one of their nuns who underwent a kidney transplant, she added.*

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