
NONECO rates down 89 centavos per kWh

The Northern Negros Electric Cooperative (NONECO) announced an 89-centavo per kilowatt hour decrease in electricity rates in October.

NONECO said that there is a P0.8907/kWh decrease in the electricity rates from P15.0410/kWh in September to P14.1503/kWh this month.

The cooperative attributed the decrease to the completion of the staggered payment of the Wholesale Electric Spot Market bill for four months, which was mandated by the Energy Regulatory Commission.

It was also attributed to the decrease of the WESM market price from P9.5864 to P8.5224/kWh or a decrease of P1.0640.

NONECO also said that 11 percent of the total electricity rate for this month went to the Distribution, Supply, and Metering (DSM) charges worth P1.6109/kWh.

Central Negros Electric Cooperative earlier announced a 62-centavo per kilowatt-hour decrease in its electricity rates for the month of October.

CENECO said that the electricity rate in October is P11.0674/kWh, which is P0.6210/kWh lower than September’s P11.6884/kWh.

The Negros Occidental Electric Cooperative also announced a P1.63 per kilowatt-hour decrease in electricity rates for October.

NOCECO said its electricity rate for October is P12.9131/kWh, which is P1.6334 lower than last month’s P14.5465/kWh.*

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