
Noneco power rates down P8 per kWh 

Good news for Northern Negros electric consumers. 

The Northern Negros Electric Cooperative announced a P8 drop per kilowatt-hour in its electricity rates for June. 

NONECO said that this month’s electricity rate is at P9.2302/kWh, which is P8.0367 lower than last month’s P17.2669/kWh. 

The big decrease was attributed to the deferred portion of the generation charge at the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market directed by the Energy Regulatory Commission in a memorandum released on June 13. 

NONECO said that this decrease in electricity rates is aimed to ease the effect of high electric bills last month. 

With ERC’s deferment order, WESM will implement a staggered payment scheme of the generation charge starting June to September. 

Earlier, the Negros Occidental Electric Cooperative announced a P3.15/kWh decrease in its power rates in June from P17.9609 to P14.8015/kWh. 

Central Negros Electric Cooperative also announced a P2.40/kWh decrease in its electricity rates from P15.1632/kWh in May to P12.7632/kWh in June.* 

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