
Negros Power rate up 45 centavos for Feb

The Negros Electric and Power Corporation announced a 45-centavo per kilowatt-hour increase in its electricity rate for February.

The electricity rate for February is P12.1477/kWh, a 45-centavo increase from last month, Negros Power said on Tuesday, Feb. 18.

The increase was attributed to the spike of transmission charges resulting to additional ancillary service charges.

NEPC also said that the universal charges also increased because of the Energy Regulatory Commission approval of the additional Missionary Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Cash Incentive (REDCI).

Last week, the Negros Occidental Electric Cooperative also announced a 34-centavo per kWh increase.

NOCECO said that its electricity rate for February is P14.5625/kWh from P14.2216/kWh in January, or an increase of P0.3409/kWh.

Northern Negros Electric Cooperative has yet announce its electricity rate for February.*

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