
Man hacked to death by neighbors

The victim was declared dead on arrival at a hospital.*Pontevedra PNP photo

A man was hacked to death by his neighbors over a land dispute at Purok Cadena de Amor, Barangay San Isidro, Pontevedra, Negros Occidental, Wednesday, August 24.

Killed was Eric Galope, 37.

The victim and the suspects – Rex Salme, 59, and his son Bobby, 34, had just attended a hearing at the barangay hall on their land conflict when the incident happened.

When they were outside the barangay hall, the victim made a comment to Rex Salme, saying, “Kuha-a ang tangke. Imo man na (Take the tank, it’s yours).”

This could have triggered the suspect to attack Galope with his bolo.

But the victim was able to run, only to be caught by the suspect’s son, Rex.

The victim succumbed to 10 hack wounds and was declared dead on arrival at the hospital.

The younger Salme was arrested while his father escaped.

The police also recovered the weapon used in the killing.*

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