Seeking late medical consultation leads to increased chances of hospitalization, or worse- death, thus warned the Bacolod City Emergency Operations Center-Task Force (EOC-TF).
“Data on COVID-19 cases show that seeking consultation after four days or more since the onset of illness, increases the risk of being hospitalized, being placed on a mechanical ventilator, or of dying. Sustained exposure to other household members infects them subsequently,” Contact Tracing head Dr. Rosalie Deocampo said during the EOC daily online huddle.
“Please do not go to work anymore if you are experiencing any discomfort or symptom. Call in sick to work and go to the Bacolod Respiratory Outpatient Center or any clinic of your choice for check-up and COVID-19 RT-PCR test for early detection, isolation, and treatment. Strictly observe minimum health protocols to prevent further spread of the infection,” she added.
Consequently, close contacts of positive patient – like his or her household members or co-workers – will be traced, swabbed, and isolated, a press release from the Bacolod City Information Office said.
The Bacolod Respiratory Outpatient Center located at the BAYS Center, in front of the Bacolod Public Plaza, continues to offer free medical consultation and COVID-19 swabbing for those who have symptoms.
Based on the EOC Contact Tracing report on May 31, a total of 41 individuals turned out positive for COVID-19 due to household transmission, the press release said.
It also shows that 47 percent of 663 individuals who sought consultation and were swabbed within a 14-day period, or from May 18 to May 31, have tested positive for COVID-19, it added.
“Seek early medical consultation from the onset of illness for immediate diagnosis and intervention. Do not wait until it’s too late,” EOC executive director and City Administrator Em Ang also advised.
She added that the number of new COVID-19 cases is still very high.
The EOC is doubling its containment and mitigating efforts, including contact tracing, swabbing, isolating, healthcare capacity management, and information education campaign, the press release said.
Meanwhile, Vice Mayor El Cid Familiaran, chair of the local IATF, is reminding Bacolodnons to follow minimum heath protocols like proper wearing of face masks and face shields, and observing social distancing.*