
KP-Negros condemns surveillance, red tagging

The Kabataan Partylist – Negros on Monday, May 13, said it “vehemently condemns the intimidation, psychological harassment, and constant illegal surveillance by the state forces” on Florence Guzon, KPL-Negros’ secretary general.

On April 25 state elements went to Guzon’s residence in Talisay City and scouted for information, mainly through his mother, without a legal search warrant, a KP-N press release said.

They also red-tagged Guzon by insinuating that he has alleged ties to the New People’s Army (NPA), an assertion that is both false and baseless, it said.

The state elements also requested to enter Guzon’s room to take photos of his personal belongings. The presence of nationalist and progressive readings in his room was used to link him to being a member of the NPA, the KP-N claimed.

Aside from being KP-N secretary general, Guzon is a  student leader and journalist at  the Carlos Hilado Memorial State University.

KP-N called for an end to the “illegal surveillance of and harassment” of Guzon and other progressive youth leaders.

It is high time Congress passes the Human Rights Defenders Bill, especially in the light of the recent ruling of the Philippine Supreme Court defining red-tagging as an act that puts its subject in harm’s way, it added.*

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