The House of Representatives approved House Bill No. 05 or the In-City Housing Bill on second reading on Wednesday, November 9.
Rep. Jose Francisco “Kiko” Benitez (Neg. Occ., 3rd District), who authored and sponsored the bill for the establishment of an on-site, in-city, near-city, or off-city local government resettlement program,
refiled it in the 19th Congress.
He said the bill aims to uphold the rights of the urban poor to the city, save informal settler families from being relocated to faraway relocation sites, and empower informal settler families to design for themselves the development of their community through the People’s Plan.
Benitez, in his sponsorship speech, said “House Bill No. 5 aims to mainstream on-site and in-city resettlement for informal settler families. Recognizing the contribution of many of them to the engine that drives the city economy, settlements as near as possible to their current residence with better housing conditions will be prioritized.”
“Under this bill, the families remain close to their jobs, the children’s education will not be disrupted and basic services shall be within their reach. Only when on-site or in-city relocation is not feasible, shall near-city or off-city relocation be considered”, he added.
“By institutionalizing on-site or in-city relocation, the state will be able to provide affordable and sustainable housing programs with minimal to no dislocation, no loss of livelihood, and access to basic services will be ensured as mandated under Section 9 and Section 10 of Article XIII of the Constitution”, Benitez said.
Benitez chairs the House Committee on Housing and Urban Development.*