
House adopts Senate version of Negros Power franchise bill

The House of Representatives concurred with the approved amended Senate version of House Bill 9805 granting a franchise to Negros Electric and Power Corporation (NEPC) on Wednesday, May 22. 

The House Committee on Legislative Franchises, sponsor of House Bill 9805, and its authors had no objections to the Senate’s amendments.

This means the convening of a Bicameral Conference Committee to reconcile conflicting provisions of the bill will no longer be necessary. 

The bill is expected to go directly to the Office of the President for possible signing into law. 

     The franchise will allow NEPC to take over the power distribution services of Central Negros Electric Cooperative in Bacolod, Silay, Talisay and Bago cities and the municipalities of Murcia and Don Salvador Benedicto.* 

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