
Guv orders emergency measurers to protect 13,958 coconut farmers

Pruned cocolisap hit coconut trees in Mailum, Bago City.*

Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson has ordered the implementation of emergency measures to control and manage the spread of aspidiotus regidus, also known as cocosilap, to protect the livelihoods of 13,958 coconut farmers in Negros Occidental.

Lacson issued Executive Order 23-36, Series of 2023 signed on August 10 and released Tuesday, August 15, designating the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) as the lead agency in the battle against the cocolisap or scale pests that have been destroying coconut trees.

Verified reports show that cocolisap has hit 5,000 coconut trees in Negros Occidental, but the number could be as high as 30,000, PCA Regional Manager Neil Melencion said.

Negros Occidental has 5,038,723 coconut trees, 2,500,000 of which are bearing with a potential income of P18.7 million, providing livelihood to some 13,958 coconut farmers and their dependents, Lacson said.

The scale pests have attacked coconut trees in Bago and La Carlota cities and the municipalities of Murcia and La Castellana, the governor said.

The pests have also been attacking other high-value crops that are cultivated under the coconuts trees, he said.

“This massive infestation of scale insects poses a very serious threat to the coconut industry and to the livelihood of those who depend on it,” he said.

Among the emergency measures to be adopted is the declaration of infested areas under quarantine and the establishment of checkpoints and quarantine stations to prevent the transportation of unprocessed/untreated parts of coconuts, coconut seedlings and other host/vector plants from such areas, Lacson said.

The PCA shall have the exclusive authority to grant permits for the transport for the shipment or movement of coconut planting materials from and to any points of the country, Lacson said.

The local government units shall assist in the implementation of emergency control and eradication measures by contributing appropriate logistical and manpower resources, including the recruitment of volunteers for frontline barangay level scale insect control action teams and massive information campaigns in their localities, he added.

Lacson has promised to allocate P250,000 for the pruning of leaves of affected coconut trees as a preventive measure against the spread of cocolisap, Melencion said.*

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