
Ferrer designated acting guv, Ko acting VG March 11 to 15 

Acting Governor Jeffrey Ferrer and Acting Vice Governor Manuel Frederick Ko (right)*

Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson has designated Vice Governor Jeffrey Ferrer acting governor of Negros Occidental from Monday to Friday, March 11 to 15,  while he is in Japan on official business. 

He also designated Board Member Manuel Frederick Ko as acting vice governor for the same period. 

Lacson is in Japan to attend the graduation of the Negrense students enrolled in the Houshin School of Healthcare in Miyakonojo, Japan, and to attend the consultative meeting with the Negrense scholars.

The governor in Executive Order 24-08 Series of 2024 said it was necessary to designate Ferrer and Ko to  ensure the continuous and effective delivery of basic and social services while he is gone.* 

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