
DOH 6 warns El Niño heat can cause diseases

Hinigaranons at sundown in Barangay 1, Hinigaran, Negros Occidental, on Sunday afternoon, March 4.*Andrew Altarejos photo

The Department of Health in Western Visayas on Sunday, March 3, warned that the El Niño heat wave can cause diseases related to water scarcity or shortage, such as diarrhea and skin diseases.

It can also cause heat cramps, heat exhaustion, exertional heat injury, and heat stroke, the DOH said.

The DOH said six ways to cope with El Niño are:

*Conserve water and use it wisely;
*Protect water sources from contamination;
*Drink more fluids;
*Listen to the updates of the shellfish ban;
*Wear light clothing; and
Avoid strenuous physical activities.

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