Justine Valero Cientos of Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod (CSA-B) ranked fourth out of 321 board examinees with an 82.30 percent rating during the October 2021 Chemical Engineering Licensure examination.
Seven out of 17 takers from CSA-B passed the Chemical Engineering licensure examination with a total average of 41.18 percent, The Eagle, the official tertiary student publication of CSA-B reported.
The six other CSA-B passers are Marylee Azarraga Cristales, Irish Marie Da-anton, Ched Raemar Ledesma, Dyryl Sionosa Ortiz, Kristal Jean Perez and Jelmar Santibañez, it
The Professional Regulation Commission said the overall national passing rate for the October 2021 Chemical Engineering board examination is 47.42 percent, producing 321 new chemical engineers out of 679 board takers.
The licensure examination was conducted October 3-5.*