
CENRO, EDC hold orientation for wildlife conservation

The Community Environment and Natural Resources Office in Bago City in partnership with the Energy Development Corporation conducted a two-day orientation for the Deputation of Wildlife Enforcement Officers (WEO) at Brgy Minoyan Murcia, Negros Occidental, in connection to the celebration of the World Wildlife Day 2023.

About 30 Kanla-on Green Brigade (KGB) members from Brgy. Minoyan, Murcia and Brgy. Mailum, Bago City participated in the activity.

R.A. 9147 (Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act), R.A. 9154 (Mt. Kanla-on Natural Park Act of 2001) and other subjects relating to wildlife were discussed.

The orientation is a pre-requisite requirement to the deputation of the participating KGBs.

The deputation of WEOs is a step to further intensify the protection and conservation of wildlife in the province, the organizers said.*

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