
Capitol’s bulk water bidding to go ahead on June 27 

Acting Provincial Administrator Alberto Nellas Jr.* 

The June 27 bidding for the P1.2 billion Negros Occidental bulk water project will push through, Acting Provincial Administrator Alberto Nellas Jr. said on Tuesday, June 11. 

Nellas said even without Provincial Administrator Rayfrando Diaz, who is serving a 6-month suspension order meted by the Ombudsman, everything is in place. 

Lawyer Jessa Genteroles, provincial Public-Private Partnership (PPP) focal person, and the bulk water team are on top of the project, said Nellas, who is also Provincial Legal Officer. 

Before Diaz began serving his suspension  a system was put in place and all department heads have delegated duties, Nellas said.

“My job is to make sure they do their work,” Nellas said. 

Nellas said Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson’s marching order for him as acting provincial administrator is to ensure that the delivery of basic services to Negrenses continues unhampered. 

Nellas said he hopes the Ombudsman reverses the suspension of Diaz so he can return to work sooner than six months. 

The Ombudsman  suspended Diaz  and Attorney 4 Chery Sheil Valenzuela,  Bids and Awards Committee secretary,  for six months without pay for  engaging in   the private practice of law that was “in conflict of interest” with  their  jobs at the provincial government. 

Diaz denied they acted in conflict of interest and has filed a motion for reconsideration. 

Nellas said he does not believe Diaz did anything wrong and hopes the Ombudsman overturns   its ruling based on the evidence submitted.*

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