
Bago inaugurates hospital waste treatment facility

The blessing of the  Hazardous and Special Waste Treatment Facility*

A Hazardous and Special Waste Treatment Facility at the Bago City Hospital grounds was  inaugurated and blessed  Friday  morning, June 28.

Initiated by the City Environment Management Office (CEMO), the P16.8-million treatment facility that includes a thermal decomposition machine will cater to hazardous and special waste of the local government-run hospital and those of private laboratories in the city, a press release from Bago City said.

The inauguration was led by Mayor Nicholas Yulo and Vice Mayor Ramon Torres.

Mayor Nicholas Yulo and Vice Mayor Ramon Torres led the inauguration of the facility.*

City Environment Management Officer Vicente Mesias  said that the management of infectious, special and hazardous waste is mandated by law.

Hospitals and medical laboratories are supposed to have mechanisms and facilities to manage these waste from disinfection, storage, transport, processing and disposal, Mesias said.

“Bago City Hospital is the first local government unit-managed facility to acquire and use this thermal decomposition technology in Negros,” he said, adding that the this facility will also  accommodate “medical and infectious wastes from private sources thereby ensuring its better management and avoiding the spread of illnesses.”*

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