
Army’s 3ID welcomes Wanky appointment

Brig. Gen. Jack Wanky*

The Army’s 3rd Infantry Division said on Tuesday, February 20, that it welcomes the appointment of the new Police Regional Director of Western Visayas, Brig. Gen. Jack Wanky, to continue inter-agency cooperation to end insurgencies in the region.

Maj. Gen. Marion Sison, 3ID Commander, said that with the assumption of Wanky as PRO-6 Director he is optimistic to further enhance police-military cooperation.

“This partnership is instrumental in achieving the collective goal of ending the local communist armed conflict and establishing stable internal peace and security for the people of Western Visayas,” Sison said.

Wanky was installed as the new police regional director replacing BGen. Sidney Villaflor during a change of command ceremony at Camp General Martin T. Delgado in Iloilo City on Monday, February 19.

The PRO-6 role of pursuing legal efforts and intelligence sharing contributes to the effective neutralization of the remnants of the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) in the region, a 3ID statement said.

Once the declaration of a Stable Internal Peace and Security (SIPS)in Negros Island materializes, the collaborative efforts between the PNP and the 3ID will strengthen, fostering an even closer relationship, it added.*

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