
Alleged NPA rebel killed in Carabalan encounter

An alleged New People’s Army rebel was found dead following a series of encounters between 94th Infantry Battalion soldiers and NPA fighters in Barangay Carabalan, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, Friday, July 7.

The 94th Infantry Battalion soldiers acted on a tip from an alleged disgruntled NPA member and the first encounter with 10 NPA rebels took place in Sitio Pangi, Barangay Carabalan, at 7 a.m., Lt. Col Van Donald L Almonte, 94IB commander, said.

“The NPAs retreated to the north, prompting the pursuing troops to engage in a second encounter 2 kilometers away from the previous site. Another firefight ensued for approximately ten minutes before the NPAs dispersed in different directions, abandoning one deceased comrade,” the 94IB reported.

Recovered from the encounter site were a M4A1 rifle loaded with magazines and ammunition, it said.*

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