
40 Murcia OFW couples wed in 1st OFW Kasalan ng Bayan

Mayor Gerry Rojas officiated the exchange of wedding vows between 40 OFW couples in the first “OFW Kasalan ng Bayan 2022” at the Murcia covered court recently.

“This is the first time in Murcia that there’s a mass wedding sponsored by OFWs,” Rojas said.

Rojas advised the couples to be “Be good examples to your children…Your children will follow the example that they see in you. If you show them good deeds, they will grow up to become good partners when they marry and good citizens in their community.”

Vice Mayor Johnny Reosura welcomed the guests and couples, their parents and their entourage, while OFW Negros Occidental Federation president Salvacion Barrios introduced the guests and praised Rojas for being the only mayor of Murcia who has a heart for the OFWs.

Among the guests were Overseas Workers Welfare Administration – VI Regional Director Rizza Joy M. Moldes, 3rd District Board Member Frederick “Manman” Ko who represented Gov. Bong Lacson, OFW Federation officers of Victorias City and Talisay City, and Paz Baes, who represented BDO, the partner bank for the OFW’s financial literacy program.

Murcia OFW Federation president Lynette Nicavera spearheaded the local preparations for the OFWs, in collaboration with Murcia’s local government, particularly the Local Civil Registrar Office. Murcia Sangguniang Bayan Members also attended the activity to show their support to the OFWs.

“Thank you, Mayor Gerry Rojas and other Murcia officials for your support to the OFWs,” said OWWA-VI Regional Director Rizza Joy M. Moldes.

She advised the newly-weds to exercise greater patience, forgiveness and understanding towards each other.

“Love your partner more despite misunderstandings. Strengthen your faith and don’t lose hope. May God bless your union a thousandfold!” Moldes added.

Murcia First Lady Marie Bernadette R. Rojas, who was invited by the OFW couples to give an inspirational message, addressed the newlyweds:

“In the eyes of the entire world, you are now husband and wife. You have leveled up from partner to lawful spouse. Love God, because God will provide you with everything you need. Love your spouse, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, until death do you part. And love yourself, too, so that you can take care of your spouse and your children,” Mrs. Rojas said.

Ko praised the OFWs for their sacrifices for their family and for their contribution to the economy. He assured them that the provincial and local official appreciate and thank the OFWs for their efforts in nation-building.*PR

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